
Cancer is a highly prevalent disease and is associated with high mortality rates, especially when it is not detected early and when the treatment is not adequate, sufficient or accepted by the patient's body.

At Elixym Biopharmaceutical, we offer you the following genetic testing services, which will allow possible pathologies that will come throughout life to be detected from pregnancy to adulthood, and likewise, you can access to solutions through treatments that guarantee a long and quality life.


If there is a history of cancer in my family, it is common to think will I have cancer? What kind of cancer? If so, what will be the best treatment for me?

Puedes conocer las respuestas a estos interrogantes a través de los tests de screening genético.

Diagnosing cancer early saves lives, gives greater chances of effectiveness to treatments and with these tests it is possible to detect it early and access the right treatment.



Genetic screening for early cancer detection

The constant evolution of science and medicine has made it possible for patients today to have the benefits of making an early, safe diagnosis that determines the best treatment for each individual according to their genetic coding. Added to this is the possibility of making a future diagnosis, which projects the health needs of each person.

At Elixym Biopharmaceutical, we offer you the following genetic testing services, which will allow possible pathologies that will come throughout life to be detected from pregnancy to adulthood, and likewise, you can access to solutions through treatments that guarantee a long and quality life.


Genetic Tests

These are the Tests that Elixym BioPharma offers for early cancer detection.


  • Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Panel


  • Hereditary Cancer Screening


  • Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Panel


  • Lung Cancer Panel


  • Cancer+ Discovery Panel

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Elixym BioPharma

Business Hours

Monday - Friday
