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¿Quienes somos?

At Elixym biopharmaceutical we have worked with the purpose of improving significantly the quality of life of patients with chronic pathologies, that require therapies and treatments with high-tech resources. With presence in more than 9 countries of Latin America, our team has studied and managed to understand the pharmaceutical needs and their respective solutions, that is why we are sure that we offer reliable and modern health products.

Our experience extends to regulatory matters, commercial development, marketing and sales, making a complete accompaniment in the process to our clients. This has made Elixym BioPharmaceutical a company that impacts positively on society through the generation of various quality therapies and timely care, which together have significantly improved and continue to improve the quality of life of thousands of people.

We have a team of professionals trained in various areas of knowledge oriented to the pharmaceutical industry, which allow us to provide the best solutions in this field today. Health is the most important thing and it is a priority for our team, that is why we have human talent such as our CEO who has led different companies in the sector and with his experience in sales, compliance, management and business development leads a team that provides an effective and complete service to patients, from the product offered, to the experience of buying and using it to see results that improve their quality of life.

Our Partners

International companies that trust us

Our mission

Patients are our top priority. As our main purpose, we seek to ensure their well-being and health, providing quality services with modern, high-standard products that improve their quality of life.

Our vision

Our desire is to consolidate ourselves as a company in the pharmaceutical sector with one of the broadest portfolios of products and services for high-impact therapies, which is also a leader and ideal as a strategic partner in business development for the Andean, Caribbean and Central American regions.

Our Principles


Guarantee objectivity, independence of criteria and confidentiality in the handling of information, generating sincerity and reliability, from what is projected to what is done on a day-to-day basis while we fulfill our purposes.


We motivate our collaborators to reach their maximum potential in an interdependent and group way, sharing experiences and building knowledge within the frameworks of tolerance and respect. We maintain effective communication channels between different disciplines and work areas.


Promote management focused on respecting the results-oriented processes, carrying them out with criteria and discipline to achieve the objectives, assuming responsibility in the development of each task.


To act with the purpose of maintaining the integrity, justice and dignity of all the related actors, understanding and facing situations with integrity and a correct conduct.

Contact Us

Elixym BioPharma

Business Hours

Monday - Friday
